Sunday, January 23, 2011


So, I have to start this short little post off with a warning....I am probably going to get into a LOT of trouble for posting this. But, I'm a total REBEL and I think it's pretty amazing, so I'm going to post it anyways. Taylor has signed up to do a body building competition in April and has started his diet for that. He will have to eat perfectly clean for 12 weeks with absolutely NO cheating. For those of you that have tried to make even small dietary changes, you know how much self discipline and dedication this is going to take. A few months ago, he did a "mock run" of a competition diet for just 5 weeks and this is what he looked like after it was done. I am so proud of how hard he works and he would never do this himself, but I can brag if I want to about my HOT husband. Seriously, I could teach an anatomy lesson just from these pictures:)

Pretty amazing huh?
FYI: I did update our blog with a recent Christmas blog, so please keep reading!!!!


Kent said...

Man Taylor's a HOTTIE!!!!!!

Kathleen said...

That is my brother!!!!!
I am so proud of him too. He is so dedicated and disciplined. He has shown it through the years. Someday maybe I can be like him =)

Unknown said...

I had no idea people could really look that cut, and he is my BROTHER! Seriously I know Taylor is self conscious of feeling like he is bragging, but COME ON THAT IS AMAZING! His self discipline is NOT hereditary, I'll tell you that much!

Marsha said...

Thanks for showing us what Taylor never would! It's very hard to believe that that body came from me. Wow, pretty unbelievable!!
It seems that this family is filled with pretty determined, goal-centered people. I'm really proud of Taylor!!

Kelly Stadium said...

Hey there, you don't know me, but I'm a friend of Nicole's and as I was reading her recent blog update the picture of your husbands legs caught my eye on the side of the screen. I'm a personal trainer so I have somewhat of an idea of the dedication this takes. Kudos to him for how hard he works, and for his incredible results. I work a lot with individuals doing weight loss but have had the opportunity to help some individuals wanting to do limited muscle building, so I have to ask, seeing his great results, where is he getting his work out and eating program from? Is he part of an organization, gym, or is he self motivator with books, online sources etc? I'm always looking for things that work and help with my clients, and what he does, obviously works!! Keep up the good work!!!