Monday, August 11, 2008

Obsession most of you know, I am on a little break from school before I start my clinical rotations. I had MANY ambitious thoughts about how I was going to study for my rotations so that I could avoid looking like a complete idiot every day. However, instead of studying, I have acquired my newest obsession. It hasn't been this bad since I saw my first episode of Grey's Anatomy and realized that I would have no social life until I finished watching all of the first 3 seasons. For months, I have listened to Nicole and Marsha talk about a series of books that sounded completely ludicrous to be quite honest. Books about vampires and werewolves. I thought that they had both finally lost it! And besides, I didn't even have time to pee with all of my studies, let alone read a book for pleasure. So, last Friday night, I was at Marsha's house and decided to give in to the madness and just see what all the "Twilight" fuss was about. I AM HOOKED! I just finished the second book after getting them less than 3 days ago. Sleeping and eating are no longer important. I found myself sitting up last night reading with my eyes burning because I was so tired, but refusing to give in to sleep until Edward came back into the second book. How pathetic am I? This totally reminds me of the days when I discovered Meredith and McDreamy and stayed up all night watching the episodes, laughing and crying all at the same time. These books have done the same thing to me. One minute I'm laughing because I love Bella so much and think that she is so funny and the next I'm crying because Edward had to leave her. I'm a geek, I know. Oh yeah, just to let everybody know, I'm only finished with the second book so PLEASE don't give away any of the stories to come! Well, I'm going to take my pathetic self away from the computer now and go start the third book!


Seth said...

My mom and Kristina and most of the other girls in my family are all over those books, so I gave in and let Kristina read them to me out loud (I was too manly to read them myself). We are currently in the middle of Breaking Dawn.

What I really wanted to tell you was that when you are done with the series, you should read the other book that Stephanie Myers wrote called, "The Host". Kristina read that me too (we have no television) and that book was amazing.

Same author as the twilight books and same feel but completely different. You should read it.

--Seth Farnsworth

Laura said...

Haha. Yes, Seth is right - all the girls in our family (except Rebecca) are totally in love with the Twilight series and The Host. Who wouldn't be, though? Stephenie Meyers is an AWESOME author. She gets you hooked before you even know what hit you!! Enjoy reading the last 2 books. So good. ; )

Unknown said...

I LOVE that you are enjoying the books so much. I have so much fun hearing what you think about the books. It amazing how everything else takes a backseat to reading the books, even personal high gene. You are going to LOVE the fourth book.

Jami said...

well I haven't given in yet. I tried to read the first one while I was 8 month prego, and I couldn't get into it, and THEN harry potter came out, so I just stopped reading. BUT I can relate to Grays! I can barely wait for the season to start again. BUT, I was alittle disappointed with last season (what is up with all the same sex kissing?). Anyways...maybe I will have to give the books another try!

Gary and Angela said...

I'm so glad you are liking them! I didn't read them right away either but when I did I was the same way. I agree with Seth you should read the Host. I really enjoyed that one too! Oh that makes me want to read all these again!!!

Jacqueline said...

Being an English major I have read many books. I have never enjoyed a book so much that you would start it again as soon as you finished it except one of Stephenie Meyer's books. Enjoy them. We all love The Host too. Gee she is a good writer.

Okie Bloxhams said...

my friends have been talking about those books too and I thought they sounded crazy but I trust them and if you say the same, maybe I'll give them atry!!;o)