Friday, April 24, 2009


I can't believe how incredibly bad I am at updating our blog! And, I'm quite possibly the biggest hypocrite in the world because I love to read all of the blogs to keep updated on what's going on with everybody, but it apparently takes me 4 months to update my blog. Pretty pathetic! Speaking of pathetic.....My life is so boring and mundane that one of the most exciting things that has happened lately is the purchase of a new blender. However, in the blender's defense, it's not just ANY blender....It's the SUPER BLENDER. For all of the people in the world that love healthy foods and fresh ingredients, this is the blender for you! It's a VitaMix blender. When our blender broke, we were looking pretty hard for a new one because we use ours about 4-5 times a day for our protein shakes. So, we were wandering around our favorite store (aka Costco), and there was a guy there giving a demonstration on these blenders. It was pretty incredible! You can make your own FRESH fruit and vegetable juice using JUST the fruits and veggies. You don't even have to add any water or anything! Don't think that the coolness stops there! You can make your own low calorie sorbets and ice creams, soups, breads, batters, dips, dressings, etc. Yep, that's right! You heard me say soup. This blender will boil water in 3-4 minutes! So you put all of your fresh soup ingredients in and let it run while it heats the soup and preserves all of the nutrients in the produce. For the sorbets, I have been using fresh fruit, ice and Splenda. Very healthy and very delicious! You can also grind your own wheat into flour. The possibilities are endless!!! I really LOVE IT! Man, I should get paid for all of this advertising!

Okay...enough about the blender! I have been busy with my rotations. Since the last time I posted an update, I have finished my Emergency Medicine, Dermatology and Inpatient rotations. I really love my rotations. I absolutely love all of the hands on experience and patient interaction. I also had to give my Master's presentation last month which is a big research project and presentation in front of a bunch of graduate committee members. I was soooo nervous, especially when they were grilling me with questions for over an hour, but I passed and am so relieved to be done with that. Just one step closer to graduation! So, I am about a week away from taking my first set of written Board Exams. I'm pretty stressed out because if I don't pass them, then I get kicked out of my program basically and there's 7 years of college down the drain. But NO PRESSURE right??? I will also be leaving for my next rotation in a couple of weeks. It is in Twin Falls so I will be going back to live with Kathleen for another 5 weeks. She is so sweet to let me live with her while I rotate there. I have also started applying and looking for jobs, so if anybody hears of any PA jobs, let me know! I won't even know what to do with an actual paycheck after paying to work so hard for so long!
Taylor is still working for the Sherriff's department, but not for long! He got registered for all of his classes to start in the Fall. I am so excited because he has put off his education to support us while I finish up and now he gets to work on his degree. He's such a good, supportive husband. How many men do you know that are not only smokin' hot, but supportive of their wife's dreams and aspirations as well? He's one of a kind!


Seth said...

Good luck on your board exams!

Kristina said...

Seth didn't mention that he's starting rotations on Monday. We are both excited and scared out of our minds.
That blender does sound pretty awesome. Have you actually used it to grind wheat? We have a wheat grinder but it spits flour our all over the place and it is horrible on my asthma and allergies. So if this blender can really grind wheat and it doesn't spit flour out, we might have to look into getting one.
Anyway, I second Seth in saying good luck on your boards and on the rest of your rotations!

Unknown said...

Amanda you are so stinkin cute!!! I have been waiting for you to blog about that AMAZING blender, it really does everything you said and so much more. The sorbet was amazing and only had a tablespoon of honey, an orange, and water, mmmmm... and you don't feel an ounce of guilt, quite the opposite actually. After tasting the amazing goodness that blender produces I was ready to go buy one!
Woman, you could get a job wherever you are just because everywhere you go they just LOVE you and want a PA after working with you!!! I hope you look at jobs wherever we will be going, I'll look for you!
You forgot to mention your surgery you had late this afternoon. I hope everything went well and that the infection subsides. I can't believe you have been doing your huge presentation, working all day, still finding time to work out, all while you were in terrible pain. You are super woman!
July is just around the corner, we are so excited for you and all you have accomplished!!!
longest comment in the history of comments ;)

Andrew and Shandee said...

I finally added you! Now you had better update this or I WILL give you crap. Ha ha.